Microbiome analysis


The new medical technologies and microbiology lab tests are easily accessible to more people than ever before. Microbiome analysis and testing are now more readily available to you and can help you understand your gut biome. The new tests make it easy for you to know the health of your gut at home itself. However, people may sometimes wonder why it is important to know more about gut health and how it relates to the overall well-being of a person.

The Importance of Gut Biome

The gut biome and the beneficial bacteria residing there are important for a variety of metabolic and physiological functions of the human body. The gut not only digests fiber and proteins (among other nutrients) but can also produce certain substances that react with the nervous system, immune system, and other systems of the body and help them carry out their respective functions. A microbiome and good gut health are also needed for transforming the medicines that we take for the treatment of any illness. Microbiome analysis and the gut health test helps you know more about:

  • The diversity of the gut microbiome. A microbiome test will provide you with a complete list of microorganisms inhabiting your gut.
  • The efficiency with which your gut can digest nutrients including fats, proteins, and fiber, among others.
  • The potential of the gut to produce folate and other substances that are vital for human health and life.

The Impact of Gut Microbiome on Human Health

The gut and its microbiome environment impact the health of humans in many ways.

Diabetes: medical studies reveal that a deterioration in the health of the gut may be a cause of diabetes. Improving gut health through dietary and medical interventions can provide better glucose metabolism.

Depression/Anxiety: poor gut health can also result in mental issues, such as anxiety and depression. Some bacteria of the gut are known to produce serotonin while others are known to metabolize neurotransmitters such as dopamine and norepinephrine. Improvement in gut health can also ensure that the overall mental state of a person may improve.

Cardiovascular Diseases: the link between gut health and cardiovascular diseases is getting increasingly clear. It has been found that causes such as a decrease in the diversity of the microbiome and gut bacteria can be a cause of cardiovascular diseases including atherosclerosis and hypertension.

IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease): a decrease in the health and diversity of friendly bacteria in the gut may also be a cause of diseases including ulcerative colitis and Cron's disease.


The connection between the human gut and their overall well-being is proven decisively by several medical studies. A microbiome test and analysis will reveal the deficit areas that can be improved timely for better health and longevity.


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